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Writer's pictureHallie Pratt

To Do List

Have you ever felt like you have no idea what the next step is? That was me. For YEARS. I was to the point where I was relying on others to make me happy. I woke up and didn't look forward to anything in the day. It was like I was replaying the same day over and over, In these years I was diagnosed with depression (a story for another time) but I knew this wasn't the life I wanted. I was so sick of it. I know many other people feel the same way because we hear about it all the time. It's like it's normal nowadays to not have something to look forward to. You ask someone what their plans are for the day and they say work and then house responsibilities. I hear all the time "Welcome to adulting." Like we're expected to develop this habit and lifestyle as soon as we become an adult. So I made a change in my life, I wasn't going to let myself believe that this was the life I was going to live every single day.

So what did I do? I did something. That was all it took. Me telling myself that all I need to do was something. I started with writing a TO DO list, even though it was only a few sentences long. I had right in front of me something that I was going to do for the next day. At first it started small, do school, fold laundry, clean my room. It was boring, but it was SOMETHING. Soon after I got into that habit of writing what I was going to do the following day. I was reading online how to personally better myself. So that started being added to that to do list. Make my bed, healthy breakfast, 30 min workout, 30 min of reading a day. Then longer, 1 hour outside a day, making time for family, making time for Jesus. Slowly and slowly I started looking forward to the next day. Not because these things were necessarily fun but I felt some sort of accomplishment checking off 1 by 1 that list.

Now, I'm a coach and I've gave many people exactly what to eat, their workouts, meal plans etc. and they will tell me "I just don't have time." That's okay. If you really feel like you don't have time than you're only cheating yourself. I can tell you exactly what to do but I can't promise you its going to work because that all depends on you. Now, I'm not saying you have to go every night and make a list telling you exactly what you should do, but why not try and gain that little bit of accomplishment that you were able to finish that list, you were able to complete that task. TO DO lists were my very first step into creating a better, healthier and more happier lifestyle that I continue to live everyday. So why not try it out?

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